Monday, May 30, 2011


UB-3   fine condition, fine example.  Sounds lovely.  You can read much more about the UB-3 model on my post about the Gibson line of banjo ukes.  Here are some more pictures for the auction:

I forgot to mention, the UB-3 that is for sale is the same one pictured on this post:

I hope to be loading a video in the morning.  


  1. Grrracious. Just saw this beauty over on eBay. Yes, this is darn near perfect looking. I always preferred the solid stained models to the sunbursts.

    Seriously thinking about raiding the college fund, but after a Gibson and a Ludwig in the last calendar year, all I can do is stand by and admire it! :\

    Do you like the John Alvie Turner strings, and if so, why? Never used them on a ukulele, so I'm curious.


  2. Thanks John, It's not easy letting go of any Gibson banjo ukes. I like the Turner strings (and my formula patterned after them) because of the clear plucky sound they get. Plenty of plunk with nice sustain. I have a heavier gauge choice also that has more tension at "c" tuning and will provide a more robust power. Anyway, it's a fine Gibson and I'm sure you would love it. Johnathan Shreeve told me about the Turner strings and uses them on his UB-3.
